After Sales Service
Just to ensure that your team has no problem maintaining the constant operation of the plant we are always available for assistance. In addition to occasional 'trouble-shooting' visits, which can be arranged to monitor progress or advice on possible expansion plans or improvements, we can easily arrange spare part provision if required when essential plant maintenance is scheduled.
With state of teh art knowledge of starch. We are able to process a wide range of commercially significant starchy food, we can also supply all types and sizes of starch processing plants and related starch processing equipment. We give particular attention to the choice of the right starch processing technology and scale of operation, for it is that which will determine the ultimate profitability of the venture.
Once the scale of the starch plant is established and the technology is chosen, our team of experienced, skilled design engineers will work on it. They bring unrivalled experience to bear in producing accurate drawings detailing foundation, building dimensions and overall plant layout designs, tailor made to suit individual customer requirements. We use the latest technology, each project is specifically engineered to meet local conditions, quality standards and environmental requirements.
Our transport and documentation specialists identify and efficiently arrange the optimum delivery procedures so equipment arrives at site on time and in perfect condition.We carefully plan our shipment to coincide with progress on site and we have specialist expertise in moving very large items to locations around the world, which are often remote and require considerable planning.

We will place an experienced erection supervisor on site. The supervisor will see that all the major pieces of equipment are erected onto their prepared foundations and that associated machinery is installed correctly including all interconnecting equipment and pipe work.
Our engineers have erected plants all over the world and we are used to foreseeing and handling situations, which in less experienced hands might cause delays and unscheduled expense.